3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Manila to Yerevan in

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Time zone in Manila is : GMT+08:00

Manila was first known as Gintô (gold) or Suvarnadvipa by neighboring settlements. It is the capital city and the second largest city of Philippines. Manila is situated on the eastern shores of Manila Bay. After the past period of many countries had come to Manila, it has made this city become a global city with multicultural people. It is also made Manila known as one of the most densely populated city in the world. Listed as a global city, Manila has its strengths in many fields, especially in finance, commerce, healthcare, education, entertainment.

Airports Serving METRO MANILA

Ninoy Aquino International - (MNL)

Hotel prices in Metro Manila


Time zone in Yerevan is : GMT-04:00

Yerevan maybe the political, economic and cultural center of Armenia, but it seems too laid back to be considered a capital city. It is a relaxed and safe place where the people live in a very calm existence, but somehow the traffic is quite different. Once a region under Soviet Russian rule, you can find many 19th century Russian monuments and buildings in the heart of the city. The cultural essence of the city is very strong, as you will find many museums, theatres, concert halls, galleries and live music clubs scattered around the city.

Airports Serving YEREVAN

Yerevan - (EVN)

Hotel prices in Yerevan