3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Wuhan to Windhoek in

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Time zone in Wuhan is : GMT+08:00

Wuhan is one of the most ancient and civilized metropolitan cities in China, more ancient than Beijing. This city is the capital of Hubei province, People’s Republic of China. It is also known as the most populous city in Central China. This city is situated in the eastern Jianghan Plain at the intersection of Yangtze and Han rivers. Wuhan became a city with major transportation hub, with dozen of railways, roads, and expressways passing through the city. Because of its key role in domestic transportation, Wuhan was sometimes referred to as the “Chicago of China”.

Airports Serving WUHAN

Wuhan - (WUH)

Hotel prices in Wuhan


Time zone in Windhoek is : GMT+01:00

Windhoek is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia. The city is also the social, economic, and cultural centre of the country. There are many beautiful spots located in the city. One of them is Christuskirche. This church is a Lutheran church, opened in 1910. The historical buildings in the city will pamper travelers eye with their carvings and historical richness.

Airports Serving WINDHOEK

Hosea Kutako International - (WDH)

Hotel prices in Windhoek