2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Tel Aviv to Astana in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices

Tel Aviv

Time zone in Tel Aviv is : GMT+02:00

Airports Serving TEL AVIV

Ben Gurion Intl - (TLV)

Hotel prices in Tel Aviv


Time zone in Astana is : GMT+06:00

Appointed the new capital of Kazakhstan in 1997, the once medium-sized provincial city of Astana, known for its bitter winters, has slowly grown into a city of amazing Skyscrapers. The city has transformed vast acreage south of the Ishim River into a new governmental-administrative zone, featuring daring buildings that combine Islamic, Soviet, Western and wacky futuristic influences.

Airports Serving ASTANA

Astana - (TSE)

Hotel prices in Astana