Flight Prices
from Puerto Princesa to Hamburg in

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Puerto Princesa

Time zone in Puerto Princesa is : GMT+08:00

Puerto Princesa is a city situated in the western provincial island of Palawan, Philippines. It is the capital of the island province of Palawan. It is the home for Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, one of the UNESCO World Heritage. This site was declares in 1999. Puerto Princesa is known as the Eco-Tourism Center of the Philippines. Nowadays, Puerto Princesa is a popular destinations with many beach resorts and seafood restaurants. This city is also renowned as the cleanest and greenest city in Philippines.

Airports Serving PUERTO PRINCESA

Puerto Princesa - (PPS)

Hotel prices in Puerto Princesa


Time zone in Hamburg is : GMT+01:00

Airports Serving HAMBURG

Hamburg Airport - (HAM)

Hotel prices in Hamburg