Flight Prices
from Pangkal pinang to Bordeaux in

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Pangkal pinang

Time zone in Pangkal pinang is : GMT+07:00

Pangkalpinang is the largest city on the island of Bangka and is also the provincial capital of Bangka-Belitung. Once a major tin producing center for Indonesia, this port city is slowly being recognized as a must visit tourist destination, for its beautiful unspoiled beaches and tidy laid out city. Some must see locations when in Pangkalpinang include Museum Timah, which tells the history of Bangka\'s tin mining history, the many Chinese temples located around the city and Pasir Padi Beach.

Airports Serving BANGKA

Pangkal pinang - (PGK)

Hotel prices in Bangka


Time zone in Bordeaux is : GMT+01:00

This elegant city on the banks of the Garonne, near the Bay of Biscay, is in the heart of the newly famed Bordeaux wine region. Tour the areas wineries, while sampling some of the amazing products. Visit in the month of October and watch the grapes getting harvested. Despite the surrounding vineyards, don’t however neglect the city of Bordeaux itself: it\'s a stylish city with a lively cosmopolitan air and some of the best examples of 18th-century architecture in the whole of France. To see the nicest buildings stroll along the river near the Quai de la Douane (Customs House Quay).

Airports Serving BORDEAUX

Hotel prices in Bordeaux