2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Ornskoldsvik to Cairns in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Ornskoldsvik is : GMT+01:00

Airports Serving ORNSKOLDSVIK

Ornskoldsvik - (OER)

Hotel prices in Ornskoldsvik


Time zone in Cairns is : GMT+10:00

Cairns have been through a long way to become a tourist town like nowadays. After World War II, Cairns gradually developed into a centre for tourism. The city is situated near the popular sights, the Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The land around Cairns is still used for sugar cane farming, eventhough this land is increasingly under pressure from new suburbs as the city grows. However, Cairns still known as a modern city with its warm tropical climate and interesting to visit.

Airports Serving CAIRNS

Cairns Airport - (CNS)

Hotel prices in Cairns