2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Newburgh to Waisai in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Newburgh is : GMT-05:00

Airports Serving NEWBURGH

Stewart Airport - (SWF)

Hotel prices in Newburgh

Raja Ampat

Time zone in Raja Ampat is : GMT+09:00

Waisai is located on Waigeo island and is the capital city of the Raja Ampat Regency. Waisai is organized, well-laid out and very friendly. The town features hotels, homestays and plenty of adventure. A starting point for discovering Raja Ampat, access to dive sites, or its world-renowned beautiful marine life.

Airports Serving RAJA AMPAT

Raja Ampat - Marinda - (RJM)

Hotel prices in Raja Ampat