3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Metro Manila to Bogota in

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Metro Manila

Time zone in Metro Manila is : GMT+08:00

Manila, or Metro Manila, is the economic, commerce, historical, and political centre of the Philippines. It is located on Manila Bay in the South China Sea. The term Metro Manila increasingly came into use after the creation of the metropolitan area in 1975. This city was named Nuevo Reino de Castilla and shortened its alternative name, Maynila or Manila. This modern city has so many places that can be discover. Manila Ocean Park is one of the popular attractions in this city.

Airports Serving METRO MANILA

Clark Intl - Diosdado Macapagal - (CRK)

Hotel prices in Metro Manila


Time zone in Bogota is : GMT-05:00

Airports Serving BOGOTA

Eldorado Airport - (BOG)

Hotel prices in Bogota