4 airports found

Flight Prices
from Male to Bangalore in

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Time zone in Male is : GMT+04:00

Male\', complete with its own artificial beach, swimming track, historic sites, and spectacular skyline of candy-colored skyscrapers, manages to be both an island and a city. Previously a sparsely populated island, Male\' has evolved into a world-class city with all the modern facilities from schools, hospitals, to international restaurants. The combination of easygoing islander roots, along with the forward-thinking attitude of the locals, has created a laid-back town which both quiet yet fast paced.

Airports Serving MALDIVES

Hotel prices in Maldives


Time zone in Bangalore is : GMT+05:30

The information technology hub of India, Bangalore is India\'s pursuit to a modern identity. Once known as the Garden City, it was the first city in India to get electricity, and from there the once pristine city evolved significantly to become the center of the nation\'s massive computer hardware and software industry. Not much can be found in Bangalore in terms of culture, unless you\'re seeking a break from a country that is so saturated with history.

Airports Serving BANGALORE

Bengaluru - (BLR)

Hotel prices in Bangalore