Flight Prices
from Luang Prabang to Kaohsiung in

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Luang Prabang

Time zone in Luang Prabang is : GMT+07:00

Luang Prabang is recognized as a place where travelers will find the exotic and ancient side of Laos. The former capital of Laos is included as a UNESCO World Heritage city thanks to its priceless cultural legacy. Located between two rivers in Northern Laos, the city offers a striking natural scenery of verdant greenery and majestic mountains combined with exotic buildings and city decorations that originate from the ancient Lao Kingdom as well as from the time of the French colonization in Indochina.

Airports Serving LUANG PRABANG

Luang Prabang - (LPQ)

Hotel prices in Luang Prabang


Time zone in Kaohsiung is : GMT+08:00

Kaohsiung has rich resources of the ocean, mountain and forests. It gives a beautiful and natural view for the city. The city was once known as Takau. The city’s name derives from the Makatao language of the local aboriginal tribe and translates as “bamboo forest”. Situated close to the ocean making the city is often known as Taiwan’s “Harbor Capital”. Kaohsiung has high concentrations of heavy industry, such as steel production, shipbuilding, and other exports.

Airports Serving KAOHSIUNG

Kaohsiung - (KHH)

Hotel prices in Kaohsiung