Flight Prices
from Lapu-Lapu to Siargao Island in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Lapu-Lapu is : GMT+08:00

Lapu-lapu, a city situated in Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines. The name is derived from the name of Filipino hero. Tourism is rapidly expanding in this city due to it has many excellent beaches and dive spots with varied marine life and numerous corals. This city can be accessed via Mactan Cebu International airport, the second busiest airport in Philippines. Lapu-lapu is a modern city with many places are wait to discover.

Airports Serving CEBU

Mactan-Cebu Intl - (CEB)

Hotel prices in Cebu

Siargao Island

Time zone in Siargao Island is : GMT+08:00

Airports Serving SIARGAO ISLAND

Sayak - Siargao - (IAO)

Hotel prices in Siargao Island