5 airports found

Flight Prices
from Kuwait city to Dusseldorf in

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Kuwait city

Time zone in Kuwait city is : GMT+03:00

Kuwait city is a sprawling city with high-rise office buildings, luxury hotels, and well-tended parks. Some of the popular landmarks in the city are the Kuwait towers, the Grand Mosque, and the Liberation Tower. The city is the capital and largest city of Kuwait. The name of the city may derived from an earlier abandoned fort located there, called "Kūt". Kuwait became an important trading center from the time of its establishment.

Airports Serving KUWAIT CITY

Kuwait - (KWI)

Hotel prices in Kuwait city


Time zone in Dusseldorf is : GMT+01:00

Düsseldorf is famous for its culture, fashion, and wonderful art live among the city. The city is also known for its Altbier, a hoppy beer which translates as old beer. At Düsseldorf’s Old Town, which is famously known as “the longest bar in the world”, people can take a break and enjoy the warm atmosphere. The city is the capital city of the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia.

Airports Serving DUSSELDORF

Hotel prices in Dusseldorf