2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Karlsruhe to Newquay in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Karlsruhe is : GMT+01:00

Airports Serving KARLSRUHE

Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden - (FKB)

Hotel prices in Karlsruhe


Time zone in Newquay is : GMT+00:00

Voted as one of the nations favourite seaside towns in Which Holiday Survey, Newquay is a great destinations for family holiday or even solo traveler. The town is located in Cornwall, England. The place is known for the “Run to the Sun” event, which always takes place during the public holiday in May at Trevelgue Holiday Park. Moreover, Newquay is the home to the reef known as “the Cribbar”, or “the Widow Maker”. This reef is best known for creating annual big waves. This makes Newquay become popular for the big wave surfers all over the world.

Airports Serving NEWQUAY

Newquay Civil - (NQY)

Hotel prices in Newquay