2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Gorontalo to Melonguane in

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Time zone in Gorontalo is : GMT+08:00

Gorontalo is a promising tourist destination, rich with culture and natural beauty. Visitors with a passion for history can checkout the old Otanaha fort built by the Portuguese in the 15th century, or the Orange fort which can only be reached after traversing 139 stairs. Various cultural buildings and mosques can also be found around the city. A coastal city, Gorontalo also features beautiful beaches and amazing snorkeling locations near Tomini Bay.

Airports Serving GORONTALO

Tolotio - (GTO)

Hotel prices in Gorontalo


Time zone in Melonguane is : GMT+08:00

Melanguane is the capital city of Talaud regency, North Sulawesi province. Sara island is one of the tourist attractions that can be visited in this city. Sara island is the habitat of parrot and maleo birds which is the pride of North Sulawesi. This island is surrounded by white sands and green grass. It is also has many beautiful coral reefs and fish species. If you are in this town, don’t forget to come to Mount Piapi and Ampapitu waterfall.

Airports Serving MELONGUANE

Melangguane - (MNA)

Hotel prices in Melonguane