5 airports found

Flight Prices
from Goa to Dusseldorf in

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Time zone in Goa is : GMT+05:30

Goa was christened the "Pearl of the Orient" by the Portuguese 500 years ago and during that period left a lasting impression on the local population and landscape. Recognized as a hippie haven in the 70\'s, the Goa of today is now a hip and happening destination for A-listers getting away from it all. A more laid-back, version of India, Goa has transformed into a cosmopolitan tourist trap lined with five-star resorts, boutique guesthouses, and villas remodeled for international travelers. In many ways, Goa is the perfect introduction to a country that can be very challenging for the uninitiated.

Airports Serving GOA

Dabolim Goa Intl. - (GOI)

Hotel prices in Goa


Time zone in Dusseldorf is : GMT+01:00

Düsseldorf is famous for its culture, fashion, and wonderful art live among the city. The city is also known for its Altbier, a hoppy beer which translates as old beer. At Düsseldorf’s Old Town, which is famously known as “the longest bar in the world”, people can take a break and enjoy the warm atmosphere. The city is the capital city of the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia.

Airports Serving DUSSELDORF

Hotel prices in Dusseldorf