Flight Prices
from Ekaterinburg / Yekaterinburg to Nha Trang in

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Time zone in Ekaterinburg is : GMT+05:00

Yekaterinburg, alternatively romanized as Ekaterinburg, is the fourth-largest city in Russia. It was founded in 1723 by Vasily Tatishcev and Georg Wilhelm de Gennin. Yekaterinburg is situated on the border of Europe and Asia. It is surrounded by small lakes and wooded hills, partially cultivated for agricultural purposes. The city is famous for its theaters and home to some very popular theatre companies.

Airports Serving EKATERINBURG

Koltsovo Intl. - (SVX)

Hotel prices in Ekaterinburg

Nha Trang

Time zone in Nha Trang is : GMT+07:00

The capital of Khanh Hoa Province, Nha Trang is Vietnam\'s bustling city by the sea. A summer getaway for locals and international tourists alike, the bright-blue tranquil water is dotted by more than 20 surrounding islands. The beaches of Nha Trang are a great place to spend 2 or 3 days playing in the surf, snorkeling and diving, or taking a cruise to the nearby islands. With many high-end hotels and resorts to choose from, back-packers need not fret as good budget options are plentiful.

Airports Serving NHA TRANG

Cam Ranh Intl. - (CXR)

Hotel prices in Nha Trang