Flight Prices
from Edinburgh to Alger / Algiers in

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Time zone in Edinburgh is : GMT+00:00

Airports Serving EDINBURGH

Edinburgh Intl. - (EDI)

Hotel prices in Edinburgh


Time zone in Alger is : GMT+01:00

Nicknamed El-Behdja or Alger la Blanche, the city is situated on the west side of a bay of the Mediterranean Sea. Algiers is the capital city of Algeria in North Africa. A civil war which started in 1991 has destroyed much of the country. Algiers is known locally as El-Djazaïr and the residents speak Berber, Arabic and French. In Algiers, most of the interesting sights are in the old part of the city known as the Casbah or Medina.

Airports Serving ALGER

Houari Boumedienne - (ALG)

Hotel prices in Alger