3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Colombo to Bangalore in

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Time zone in Colombo is : GMT+05:30

Colombo is Sri Lanka\'s largest city as well as capital. This jumbled mix of modern business blocks, colonial buildings, temples, with an assortment of flats and houses added in the mix showcases the diversity of this urban jungle. The inner city\'s pursuits of shopping, fine dining, and buzzing nightlife contrast with the rest of rural, slow-paced Sri Lanka life-style. Travelers who make time in their beach hopping vacation for a visit to the capital can keep busy by touring Buddhist centers, clean cut parks and museums.

Airports Serving COLOMBO

Bandaranaike Itnl. - (CMB)

Hotel prices in Colombo


Time zone in Bangalore is : GMT+05:30

The information technology hub of India, Bangalore is India\'s pursuit to a modern identity. Once known as the Garden City, it was the first city in India to get electricity, and from there the once pristine city evolved significantly to become the center of the nation\'s massive computer hardware and software industry. Not much can be found in Bangalore in terms of culture, unless you\'re seeking a break from a country that is so saturated with history.

Airports Serving BANGALORE

Bengaluru - (BLR)

Hotel prices in Bangalore