2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Bandung to Bangalore in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Bandung is : GMT+07:00

Bandung is a destination for shopaholics and culinary explorers alike. This is the place to go when you want to unleash your inner fashionista or sample a variety of never before seen original dishes. With clothing distro\'s and factory outlets scattered all over the city, your sure to fulfill your fashion needs on a budget.

Airports Serving BANDUNG

Husein Sastranegara - (BDO)

Hotel prices in Bandung


Time zone in Bangalore is : GMT+05:30

The information technology hub of India, Bangalore is India\'s pursuit to a modern identity. Once known as the Garden City, it was the first city in India to get electricity, and from there the once pristine city evolved significantly to become the center of the nation\'s massive computer hardware and software industry. Not much can be found in Bangalore in terms of culture, unless you\'re seeking a break from a country that is so saturated with history.

Airports Serving BANGALORE

Bengaluru - (BLR)

Hotel prices in Bangalore