4 airports found

Flight Prices
from Jakarta to Hannover in

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Time zone in Jakarta is : GMT+07:00

The capital and central hub of the nation\'s economic and political institutions, Jakarta is the city to be in when you want to be in the mix of it all. When your able to look past the congesting traffic, this never sleeping mega-polis offers everything you\'ll need and more. From partying into the early hours of the morning or island hoping of the northern coast of the city, whatever your taste, Jakarta has you covered.

Airports Serving JAKARTA

Hotel prices in Jakarta


Time zone in Hannover is : GMT+01:00

Hanover is situated on the river Leine and the capital of the federal state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It was one of the hardest hit during World War II, leaving it wih only a few historical landmarks. The city has large green areas, with forests and big parks. The city was once the capital of the Prussian Province of Hanover from 1868 to 1946. The city is the home of the Hanover Zoo, one of the most spectacular and best zoos in Europe.

Airports Serving HANNOVER

Hanover Airport - (HAJ)

Hotel prices in Hannover