Flight Prices
from Aitutaki to Tanjung Pinang in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Aitutaki is : GMT-10:00

Airports Serving AITUTAKI

Aitutaki - (AIT)

Hotel prices in Aitutaki


Time zone in Bintan is : GMT+07:00

As the capital city of Riau Islands, this city is quite interesting for people to live here. For relaxing, you can go to Tepi Laut. In this place, tourists can enjoy many variant of delicious food and drink while enjoying the beautiful sunset. Besides its natural beauty, Tanjungpinang also have many culinary that makes people want to come back to this city. City’s location are close to the sea, no doubt that this city are so great in seafood.

Airports Serving BINTAN

Raja Haji Fisabilillah - (TNJ)

Hotel prices in Bintan