Le Xii De Luynes

  • ...

    avg/night, tax included

    • Bath
    • Shower
    • TV
    Special Deal :


    • Baby cot not available for infants.
    • Available baby cot for infants.
    • Cot are not guaranteed and are subject to availability at check-in.
    • Cot may either be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
    • Child will be sharing existing bedding, no additional extra beds will be provided.
    • Extra beds for child will be accommodate in the room.
    • Extra beds subject to availability at check-in.
    • Extra beds either may be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
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Address : 12 rue de la r‚publique, luynes Show Hotel Map

In the heart of the Loire Valley, nestled amongst renowned Chateaux, 10 km from Tours and only 1 hour from Paris by TGV (high speed train) lays the historic village of Luynes, offering a rich heritage from Roman times to this day. And, icing on the cake: a gourmet stop set in this precious setting. A boutique hotel and a gourmet restaurant established in recently renovated early 17th century inn, which will enchant you and delight your taste buds either for lunch or dinner. This challenge is met by a team of young talents coming from renowned restaurants who want to offer you a special moment in a very warm atmosphere.