2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Johor Bahru to Batam in

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Johor Bahru

Time zone in Johor Bahru is : GMT+08:00

Johor Bahru is the state capital of Johor and situated on the Straits of Johor (also known as the Straits of Tebrau), which separate Malaysia and Singapore. The Johor-Singapore Causeway connects Johor Bahru to Woodlands Singapore. The royal village, Pasir Pelangi, is nestled within Johor Bahru. In the mid-1990s, a central business district was developed in the centre of the city. This city is more well known as an industrial city. Its major industries include electronics, resource and petrochemical refinery, and shipbuilding. Johor Bahru is also a rapidly growing city.

Airports Serving JOHOR BAHRU

Senai - (JHB)

Hotel prices in Johor Bahru


Time zone in Batam is : GMT+07:00

Batam is one of the largest islands in the Riau archipelago. Like many islands in the region, it was once an underdeveloped island, but after the declaration of free trade in 1989, the island was completely converted into a tourist destination and business district, in a very short time frame. Its strategic location close to the Malacca Strait and Singapore has made Batam one of the biggest ports of Southeast Asia and a major center of international trade, industry and commerce. Despite its many luxurious hotels, Batam is still considered as a transit destination or entry point to Singapore. On the other hand it\'s a great place to get your hands on affordable electronics.

Airports Serving BATAM

Hang Nadim - (BTH)

Hotel prices in Batam