2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Tashkent to Almaty in

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Time zone in Tashkent is : GMT+05:00

The capital city of Uzbekistan, Tashkent was once a favored destination along the ancient Silk Road. It\'s a major exporter of goods to many East European countries. Once a part of Russia dating back to the time of the Tsar\'s, you can still find old Russian architecture amid the newly constructed buildings. Despite its modern appearance, this city is surprisingly green, thanks to its beautifully laid-out parks and its glistening fountains.

Airports Serving TASHKENT

Vostochny - (TAS)

Hotel prices in Tashkent


Time zone in Almaty is : GMT+06:00

Although it was once the capital of Kazakhstan, when it gained independence from Soviet Russia back in 1991, it still remains the major commercial and cultural center of the nation. Almaty lost its crown to Astana in 1997. The city has developed in recent years, that it won\'t be hard to find many international brands lining the streets. So much so, you might be mistaken you were traversing the roads in Europe. Add to that the snow peaked mountains surrounding the city, the central Asian sense of Almaty is pretty much lost.

Airports Serving ALMATY

Almaty - (ALA)

Hotel prices in Almaty