Aiqo Hotel Hotel (East Kalimantan, Balikpapan)Ưu đãi giá phòng rẻ

Aiqo Hotel

East KalimantanBalikpapan
Price per room per night. All inclusive.
Aiqo Hotel Cơ sở
  • Car park
  • Restaurant
giá phòng
Vị trí

Aiqo Hotel Vị trí

Aiqo Hotel Địa chỉ: Jl. Apt. Pranoto No.9

Situated in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan region, AIQO HOTEL is set 2.7 km from Banua Patra Beach. 9 km from the Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport, this casual budget hotel is 1 km from Balikpapan Bay and 3 km from the white sands at Kemala Beach.