Weisses Kreuz Hotel (Bern canton, Interlaken)Penawaran Hotel Murah

Weisses Kreuz

Bern cantonInterlaken
1 Kamar
Ubah Pencarian
Price per room per night. All inclusive.
Weisses Kreuz Fasilitas
  • Lift
  • Restoran
  • Petugas hotel
  • Fasilitas untuk penyandang cacat
  • Check-in awal
  • Lobi
Tarif kamar

Weisses Kreuz Lokasi

Weisses Kreuz Alamat: Am Hoeheweg

This family run hotel is located opposite Chalet Oberland in the middle of Interlakens main shopping street. 60 kms to the airport (belp) 200 kms to the airport (zurich) 1 km to the nearest station (interlaken west) 2 minute walk to the nearest bus stop