Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo Resort Hotel (, Maladewa)Penawaran Hotel Murah

Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo Resort

1 Kamar
Ubah Pencarian
Price per room per night. All inclusive.
Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo Resort Fasilitas
  • Layanan 24 jam
  • Ruangan ber-AC
  • Bar
  • Layanan Laundry
  • Internet umum
  • Restoran
  • Aman
Tarif kamar

Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo Resort Lokasi

Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo Resort Alamat: North Ari Atoll, Republic Of Maldives

The hotel is a safe distance away from the busy world with a total land area of 55,625 m². 300 m-long and 280 m-wide, this slice of private paradise is located on the eastern fringes of north Ari Atoll. Ari Atoll, the largest of the 22 natural atolls that make up the Maldive Islands, is located in the west of the archipelago.