Hotel Star Plaza Ikebukuro Hotel (Tokyo, Tokyo)Penawaran Hotel Murah

Hotel Star Plaza Ikebukuro

1 Kamar
Ubah Pencarian
Price per room per night. All inclusive.
Hotel Star Plaza Ikebukuro Fasilitas
  • Layanan 24 jam
  • Tempat parkir mobil
  • Lift
  • Akses jaringan internet
  • Check-in awal
  • Lift
Tarif kamar

Hotel Star Plaza Ikebukuro Lokasi

Hotel Star Plaza Ikebukuro Alamat: 2-10-2 Ikeburu.toshima-ku

A 7-minute walk from Ikebukuro train station, this straightforward hotel among bars and eateries is 8 kilometers from the Tokyo Imperial Palace and 15 kilometers from vibrant Omotesand? avenue.