Ayutthaya Grand

  • ...

    avg/night, tax included

    • Air conditioning
    • Bathroom
    • Double bed
    • Fridge
    • Room Internet access
    • Minibar
    • Satellite / cable TV
    • Shower
    • TV
    Special Deal :


    • Baby cot not available for infants.
    • Available baby cot for infants.
    • Cot are not guaranteed and are subject to availability at check-in.
    • Cot may either be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
    • Child will be sharing existing bedding, no additional extra beds will be provided.
    • Extra beds for child will be accommodate in the room.
    • Extra beds subject to availability at check-in.
    • Extra beds either may be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
5 room selected
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Address : rojana rd, ayutthaya 55/5, ayutthaya Show Hotel Map

The hotel is located on the Night Live Road in the heart of the commercial area and close to the biggest night fruit market in town. It is a 10-minute drive to the nearest railway station.

Guests will find all the comforts and facilities of an international hotel at this delightful 235-room city hotel. Amenities available to guests at this establishment include a hotel safe, currency exchange facilities and a restaurant. Conference facilities and Internet access are available for business guests and room and laundry services are provided.

The hotel comprises 205 superior rooms, including 38 standard rooms, 21 deluxe rooms and 9 junior suites in the economic wing, providing guests with the cosiest and warmest accommodation possible. In addition to a private bathroom with a shower, in-room facilities include a satellite/cable TV, Internet access and a minibar. Individually regulated air conditioning units also come as standard.

Restaurant & Food
The hotel provides breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Activities & Sport
The hotel provides a swimming pool and karaoke room. Guests can also enjoy Thai massage treatments or unwind in the hotel sauna.

Directions, How to get there
It is only a 1-hour drive from Bangkok tollway to Ayudhaya province. The hotel is located just a few minutes' drive from Ayudhaya Center.

  • Conference room
  • Laundry service
  • Money exchange
  • Public internet
  • Restaurant
  • Room service
  • Safe
    • Pool
    • Sauna
    • Massage