Oyado Dairoku

  • ...

    avg/night, tax included

    • Air conditioning
    • Fridge
    • Hairdryer
    • Heating
    • Tea / coffee
    • Telephone
    • TV
    Special Deal :


    • Baby cot not available for infants.
    • Available baby cot for infants.
    • Cot are not guaranteed and are subject to availability at check-in.
    • Cot may either be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
    • Child will be sharing existing bedding, no additional extra beds will be provided.
    • Extra beds for child will be accommodate in the room.
    • Extra beds subject to availability at check-in.
    • Extra beds either may be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
5 room selected
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Address : 946 yahiko, yahiko-mura, nishikambara-gun, niigata, niigata Show Hotel Map

The ryokan-style hotel, located in 8min walk from Yahiko Station, 30min drive from Sanjo Tsubame IC and is close to Yahiko Shrine, overlooks Sado Bay and the Sea of Japan. The 14 Japanese-style guest rooms are equipped with toilet, A/C, TV, Telephone, Safe, Refrigerator, Coffee/tea facilities, Towels, Toothbrush, Tabi-style slippers and Yukata robes. Hotel services include Banquets, Hot springs, Private Open-air baths on request, Massage, Parking lot and Welcome green tea service. Kyoto-style cuisine is offered in private room or in guest room.

  • Air-conditioned in common areas
  • Car park
  • Lift
  • Public internet
  • Room service
  • Shops
  • Wheelchair accessible