Tenuta Di Papena

  • ...

    avg/night, tax included

    Special Deal :


    • Baby cot not available for infants.
    • Available baby cot for infants.
    • Cot are not guaranteed and are subject to availability at check-in.
    • Cot may either be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
    • Child will be sharing existing bedding, no additional extra beds will be provided.
    • Extra beds for child will be accommodate in the room.
    • Extra beds subject to availability at check-in.
    • Extra beds either may be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
5 room selected
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Address : loc papena chiusdino, siena Show Hotel Map

Tenuta Di Papena Welcome to the Tenuta Di Papena in Siena. On site car parking is available. Guests can enjoy a meal at the hotel restaurant. Rooms at the Tenuta Di Papena. Smoking is permitted in certain bedrooms (please specify when booking) and the public areas of the hotel.  Leisure Info. The Tenuta Di Papena offers a range of leisure facilities. An outdoor swimming pool is available for hotel guests. Outdoor leisure activities available include mountain biking with our mountain bike hire, quad biking and horse riding. Other Info. The hotel offers an airport shuttle service. Pets are made most welcome at the hotel. A concierge service is available to guests.

  • Laundry service
    • Bike / mountain bike
    • Horse riding
    • Table tennis