Hotel Restaurant Plage La Chaumiere

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    avg/night, tax included

    Special Deal :


    • Baby cot not available for infants.
    • Available baby cot for infants.
    • Cot are not guaranteed and are subject to availability at check-in.
    • Cot may either be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
    • Child will be sharing existing bedding, no additional extra beds will be provided.
    • Extra beds for child will be accommodate in the room.
    • Extra beds subject to availability at check-in.
    • Extra beds either may be not available or subject to availability at check-in.
5 room selected
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Address : route du littoral vasouy, honfleur Show Hotel Map

Half way between Deauville and Honfleur, La Chaumière is located next to the beach in a protected valley surrounded by gardens and meadow. The rooms are comfortable and offer atmospheres particular to each room. Sometimes sleek and contemporary and sometimes more traditionnal with antique patina furniture, the rooms in the Hotel La Chaumière will meet all of our clients' needs.The restaurant offers home style cooking which brings together local seasonal produce, served in the garden, on the terrace, or in the lounge surrounded by large windows overlooking the sea, boats, le Havre and its thousand lights.