2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Toyama to Canberra in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Toyama is : GMT+09:00

Airports Serving TOYAMA

Toyama - (TOY)

Hotel prices in Toyama


Time zone in Canberra is : GMT+10:00

Canberra was finally chosen as the capital city of Australia, following a dispute between Sydney and Melbourne, competing to be selected. In the end the central point between the two cities, which fell upon a sleepy sheep station named Canberry was chosen. As the nation\'s political heart, most of the residences of the city are civil servants. Canberra is a destination for museum addicts, due to its amazing range of museums that will keep menagerie virtuoso busy for hours. If you are willing to dig a little deeper and look pass its authoritative facade, you\'ll find other aspects to the capital, such as a thriving festival and arts scene, as well as an emerging food and wine culture.

Airports Serving CANBERRA

Canberra - (CBR)

Hotel prices in Canberra