2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Surabaya to Natuna in

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Time zone in Surabaya is : GMT+07:00

Indonesia\'s second largest city, Surabaya is a metropolis and central business hub for East Java. This historical city is scattered with memorable architecture dating from the Dutch and Japanese occupation. Surabaya also boasts an abundance of shopping centers offering a vast array of merchandise from traditional batiks all the way to the best designer brands.

Airports Serving SURABAYA

Juanda - (SUB)

Hotel prices in Surabaya


Time zone in Natuna is : GMT+07:00

These days, Natuna is an enchanting island for tourist. Situated among other countries, namely West and East Malaysia. Even it’s a part from Riau Islands, but Natuna located so far from the islands itself. Ranai is the capital city. This city is directly adjacent to the open seas. No wonder why the scenery in Natuna is so wonderful. Here, at Batu Sindu, you can see the beauty of the rock overlooking the sea. You can stand on the big rocks staring directly into the open seas. The beauty of the panorama of the beach and the rocks are the hallmark of Natuna, indeed.

Airports Serving NATUNA

Natuna Ranai - (NTX)

Hotel prices in Natuna