Flight Prices
from Sharjah to Puerto Del Rosario in

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Time zone in Sharjah is : GMT+04:00

Stretching across 2590sq.km and lying in the heart of the UAE, the city of Sharjah has made a remarkable impact by winning "The Cultural Capital of the Arab World" Award back in 1998. The city is the third largest and the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. Situated along the northern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula, the city is a centre for culture and industry. Sharjah is a great destination to get lost. Explore The Heritage Area and see many historic buildings have been reconstructed with traditional materials.

Airports Serving SHARJAH

Sharjah Airport - (SHJ)

Hotel prices in Sharjah

La Palma

Time zone in La Palma is : GMT+01:00

Airports Serving LA PALMA

Fuerteventura - (FUE)

Hotel prices in La Palma