3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Seoul to Gorontalo in

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Time zone in Seoul is : GMT-12:00

Seoul is a rambling, crowded, and exciting metropolis. After centuries as the capital, it has become the center of Korean politics, business and art, making Seoul a traveler\'s paradise. When you look past the many skyscrapers, megastores and tiny alley ways, you\'ll find that Seoul is home to some of the nation\'s most elaborate palaces and temples, including the popular Gyeongbokgung. Seoul is bordered by eight mountains and the level plains of the Han River, so when you get fed up with the cities congestion, you\'ll be glad to know nature in\'t too far away.

Airports Serving SEOUL

Hotel prices in Seoul


Time zone in Gorontalo is : GMT+08:00

Gorontalo is a promising tourist destination, rich with culture and natural beauty. Visitors with a passion for history can checkout the old Otanaha fort built by the Portuguese in the 15th century, or the Orange fort which can only be reached after traversing 139 stairs. Various cultural buildings and mosques can also be found around the city. A coastal city, Gorontalo also features beautiful beaches and amazing snorkeling locations near Tomini Bay.

Airports Serving GORONTALO

Tolotio - (GTO)

Hotel prices in Gorontalo