3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Palu to Jakarta in

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Time zone in Palu is : GMT+08:00

Palu is the capital of Central Sulawesi and is one of the driest places in Indonesia. The city itself may not have much to offer visitors, but those with adventurous spirits and a love for the outdoors will fall in love with what the area has to offer. The mountainous Lore Lindu National Park surrounding the city are enough to keep avid hikers busy. The remarkable underwater beauty near the Tanjung Karang and the Togean islands are a must see for divers and snorkelers.

Airports Serving PALU

Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie - (PLW)

Hotel prices in Palu


Time zone in Jakarta is : GMT+07:00

The capital and central hub of the nation\'s economic and political institutions, Jakarta is the city to be in when you want to be in the mix of it all. When your able to look past the congesting traffic, this never sleeping mega-polis offers everything you\'ll need and more. From partying into the early hours of the morning or island hoping of the northern coast of the city, whatever your taste, Jakarta has you covered.

Airports Serving JAKARTA

Hotel prices in Jakarta