Flight Prices
from Mawlamyine to Belo Horizonte in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Mawlamyine is : GMT+06:30

Airports Serving MAWLAMYINE

Maulmyine - (MNU)

Hotel prices in Mawlamyine

Belo Horizonte

Time zone in Belo Horizonte is : GMT-01:00

Named for its wonderful view of nearby mountains, Belo orizonte is a city with modern Brazilian architectural icons. The city offers many amazing places for nature lovers and a great visit for children and family. Some of the popular landmarks that can be visited here in the city are Mangabeiras Park and Pampulha.

Airports Serving BELO HORIZONTE

Hotel prices in Belo Horizonte