4 airports found

Flight Prices
from Male to Kawthaung in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Male is : GMT+04:00

Male\', complete with its own artificial beach, swimming track, historic sites, and spectacular skyline of candy-colored skyscrapers, manages to be both an island and a city. Previously a sparsely populated island, Male\' has evolved into a world-class city with all the modern facilities from schools, hospitals, to international restaurants. The combination of easygoing islander roots, along with the forward-thinking attitude of the locals, has created a laid-back town which both quiet yet fast paced.

Airports Serving MALDIVES

Hotel prices in Maldives


Time zone in Kawthaung is : GMT+06:30

Airports Serving KAWTHAUNG

Kawthaung - (KAW)

Hotel prices in Kawthaung