2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Majalengka to Shenzhen in

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Time zone in Majalengka is : GMT+07:00

Home of Kertajati International Airport, also known as Majalengka Airport or Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB), serving Bandung metropolitan area, Cirebon, parts of West Java and Central Java province.

Airports Serving MAJALENGKA

Kertajati Intl. - (KJT)

Hotel prices in Majalengka


Time zone in Shenzhen is : GMT+08:00

Shenzhen is a coastal city, located just to the north of Hong Kong. With its exuberant environment, glitzy economy and peoples open mindset, the city has become a dream destination for many enterprising people, gaining the reputation as \'A Pearl of South China\'. Thanks to the taxless ports of its neighboring Macau and Hong Kong, a variety of merchandise can be purchased at an affordable price, but be very weary of knock-offs. The city boasts one of the world\'s largest miniature scenic areas, Windows of the World, condensing the sights of the world into one spacious park. Apart from the miniature world tour, various verdant mountains, relaxing beaches, theme parks, safari park and arboretum are attractions to see in Shenzhen.

Airports Serving SHENZHEN

Shenzhen - (SZX)

Hotel prices in Shenzhen