4 airports found

Flight Prices
from Madrid to Frankfurt in

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Time zone in Madrid is : GMT+01:00

Being the capital of Spain, Madrid is also the largest city of Spain. This city has a great cultural and artistic heritage. The culture of the city was dominated by its Royal history. Visitors can enjoy it while walking down the street of the city. The streets are a veritable museum of outdoor sculpture. In the early 20th century, Madrid looked more like a small town than a modern city. But then the population is growing rapidly and make this city as one of the major cities in the world.

Airports Serving MADRID

Barajas - (MAD)

Hotel prices in Madrid


Time zone in Frankfurt is : GMT+01:00

Frankfurt is the largest city in Hesse, state of Germany. Frankfurt has significant number of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings in the city center which form the Frankfurt skyline. Many things can be found here, from arts, festival, museums, sports, until nightlife. Frankfurt is a city with wonderful people. Visitors can find people speaking their language or restaurants with their favourite food in Frankfurt. This liberal and democratic tradition of Frankfurt may be one reason for many people from wide array area lived here. Frankfurt also is the largest financial centre on the continent. The Römer are one of the icon of this city.

Airports Serving FRANKFURT

Hotel prices in Frankfurt