4 airports found

Flight Prices
from Lahore to Male in

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Time zone in Lahore is : GMT+05:00

Lahore is the second largest city in Pakistan. The city is known as the cultural heart of Pakistan as it hosts most of the arts, cuisine, festivals, music, film-making, gardening and intelligentsia of the country. Lahore is also an important religious centre as it is home to hundreds of temples, mosques, and shrines. For those people who have passion in cultural, intellectual, and artistic thing, Lahore could be a good choice to come by.

Airports Serving LAHORE

Lahore - (LHE)

Hotel prices in Lahore


Time zone in Maldives is : GMT+04:00

Male\', complete with its own artificial beach, swimming track, historic sites, and spectacular skyline of candy-colored skyscrapers, manages to be both an island and a city. Previously a sparsely populated island, Male\' has evolved into a world-class city with all the modern facilities from schools, hospitals, to international restaurants. The combination of easygoing islander roots, along with the forward-thinking attitude of the locals, has created a laid-back town which both quiet yet fast paced.

Airports Serving MALDIVES

Hotel prices in Maldives