2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Kupang to Dili in

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Time zone in Kupang is : GMT+08:00

Kupang was an important port and trading point during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial eras. Nowadays, Kupang is very interesting to be a travel destination. Here, you can enjoy the beautiful beaches with white sands and wonderful coral reefs. The sights become more wonderful together with the sunset. Beautiful city and friendly people will make your holiday more colorful.

Airports Serving WEST TIMOR

El Tari - (KOE)

Hotel prices in West Timor

East Timor

Time zone in East Timor is : GMT+09:00

Situated on the north coast of Timor Island. Timor Leste was the part of Indonesian state, before finally independent itself in 2002 with Dili as the capital of the new state. Dili was the target of a conflict that caused significant damage during political crisis in 2006. As time goes on, this city changes and today became one of the top tourist destination on Timor Island. Enjoy the beautiful natural scenery in Beacou Beach.

Airports Serving EAST TIMOR

Presidente Nicolau Lobato Int - (DIL)

Hotel prices in East Timor