2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Jessore to Karimun Jawa in

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Time zone in Jessore is : GMT+06:00

Airports Serving JESSORE

Jessore - (JSR)

Hotel prices in Jessore

Karimun Jawa

Time zone in Karimun Jawa is : GMT+07:00

Located just north of the city of Semarang, Karimun Jawa is a national park formed by a chain of 27 islands. Only five of the islands are inhabited and mostly by local fisherman. The two ways to enter this chain of islands is either by fast boats from Semarang or by slow sailing ferrys from the small town of Jepara. A marine lovers destination, the crystal clear waters, white sand beaches and diverse marine life are the main reasons for to visit these practically virgin islands.

Airports Serving KARIMUN JAWA

Dewadaru - (KWB)

Hotel prices in Karimun Jawa