3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Guilin to Shanghai in

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Time zone in Guilin is : GMT+08:00

Guilin is one of China’s most popular tourist destinations that situated in North Guangxi, China. This city has been renowned for its scenery of karst topography. Guilin is a wonderful and beautiful city. The town center is surrounded by two rivers, four lakes, and studded with karst mountains. No wonder why the main industry of the city is tourism. What makes it special for tourist is its proximity to many picturesque limestone mountains and lakes.

Airports Serving GUILIN

Guilin Airport - (KWL)

Hotel prices in Guilin


Time zone in Shanghai is : GMT+08:00

Regarded as the citadel of China\'s modern economy, Shanghai also serves as one of the most important cultural, commercial, financial, industrial and communications centers of China. Shanghai also has one of the world\'s busiest ports, making it the largest cargo port in the world. A wide variety of cuisines can be found in the city. Shanghai offers a plethora of culinary delights focusing on the gourmet traditions of Beijing, Yangzhou, Sichuan and Guangzhou, as well as its own local dishes.

Airports Serving SHANGHAI

Pudong Intl. - (PVG)

Hotel prices in Shanghai