2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Denpasar to Phuket in

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Time zone in Denpasar is : GMT+08:00

Denpasar may not be far from the usual touristy resort areas of Bali, but the moment you transcend to the capital of Bali, a change in atmosphere is clearly felt. The laid back beach lifestyle is instantly changed to a bustling city. Not as hectic as you may think a capital city to be, and the lack of skyscrapers, due to a Balinese custom that disallows buildings to be taller than a coconut tree, gives way for blue skies. Apart from the many busy Balinese buzzing around on their scooters, many monuments and temples can be seen around the city. Catch a glimpse of the traditional markets at Pasar Badung and see the magnificent colors of fresh produce and colorful batiks up for offer.

Airports Serving BALI

Bali, Ngurah Rai Intl. - (DPS)

Hotel prices in Bali


Time zone in Phuket is : GMT+07:00

Phuket is Thailand’s largest island, but also its second smallest province. Located on south Thailand’s west coast, facing the Andaman Sea, it enjoys great popularity as a beach lovers must-see destination. What it lacks in historical sites, Phuket makes up in the form of pristine white sand beaches and crystal clear waters. Diving enthusiasts often visit due to its close proximity to Similan Marine National Park and the dive spots around Phi Phi Islands. Also recognized as a world class golfing destination the island has many golf courses and the nearby mainland offers first rate golfing facilities.

Airports Serving PHUKET

Phuket Intl. - (HKT)

Hotel prices in Phuket