Flight Prices
from Cuzco / Cusco to Siem Reap in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Cuzco is : GMT-12:00

Airports Serving CUZCO

Velazco Astete - (CUZ)

Hotel prices in Cuzco

Siem Reap

Time zone in Siem Reap is : GMT+07:00

Siam Reap is located in north west Cambodia, and is a main tourist hub due to its close proximity to the world famous temples of Angkor. Thanks to its strategic location to the ancient kingdom, many new hotels, restaurants, bars, travel companies as well as a new airport have popped up in this once small dusty town.

Airports Serving SIEM REAP

Siem Reap - (REP)

Hotel prices in Siem Reap