3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Banjarmasin to Melbourne in

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Time zone in Banjarmasin is : GMT+08:00

Located on an island delta near the junction of the Barito and Martapura rivers, Banjarmasin is the capital of South Kalimantan, and the largest city in the province. Hemmed in by a labyrinth of rivers and canals, the city has been dubbed "the river city". With water enveloping much of the people\'s lives, most of the people\'s daily routines happen near water, from the floating market or "pasar ngapung" to the deep water port of Trisakti Harbor, the main trade basin of the Barito Region. Passenger ships and ferries to and from Java also carry their operation to this port.

Airports Serving BANJARMASIN

Sjamsudin Noor - (BDJ)

Hotel prices in Banjarmasin


Time zone in Melbourne is : GMT+10:00

With elegant tree-lined boulevards and a raging cafe culture, Victoria\'s capital maintains a distinctly European feel. Expect wonderful architecture both old and new and green spaces like the Royal Botanic Gardens. This cosmopolitan city is also Australia\'s culture capital, with vibrant dining, shopping, and nightlife scenes. When it comes to shopping, restaurants, fashion, music and nightlife, no other state capital in Australia comes close to Melbourne.

Airports Serving MELBOURNE

Tullamarine Intl. - (MEL)

Hotel prices in Melbourne