5 airports found

Flight Prices
from Amsterdam to Lyon in

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Time zone in Amsterdam is : GMT+01:00

Many things you can do here, in Amsterdam. From discover world-class art, shop in flea markets, eat raw herring, skating, picnic with the locals, and so on. Amsterdam is a beautiful city with 165 canals encircle the city of Amsterdam and keep the sea at bay. For the perfect picnic, you can go to Vondelpark, the largest green space in Amsterdam. And for people who love skating, go here in Winter. Traditionally in winter, the frozen canals provide a playground for ice-skating locals. At the end of your trip, you will learn and find new unforgettable experiences.

Airports Serving AMSTERDAM

Hotel prices in Amsterdam


Time zone in Lyon is : GMT+01:00

Lyon France is a historic metropolis with enough food and modern culture to satisfy every member of the family. Within striking distance of Switzerland, Italy, and the Alps, Lyon France is a cultural fest of restaurants, Renaissance buildings, and museums. The Rhône river and the Saône river flow through Lyon France, creating a peninsula called Presqu\'île, which is the modern center of Lyon. As Lyons has a deeper history than anywhere else in France, it is one of the most historic, fascinating, and exciting towns to visit. There\'s plenty to do, from exploring ornate churches and historic museums, to eating some of the best food in Europe, or discovering the famous silk industry and Lyons\' Roman heritage.

Airports Serving LYON

Hotel prices in Lyon