2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Ambon to Pangkalan Bun in

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Time zone in Ambon is : GMT+09:00

Once a location of civil unrest in between \'99 - 2002, the city of Ambon has looked past its violent history and grown into a promising travel destination. As the provincial capital of Maluku, it may lack the ambiance of a major city, but retains a laid back charm with a number of perfect beaches and lush mountainous backdrop. Ambon is a gateway to some of Indonesia\'s most beautiful yet utterly undiscovered gems, the Lease, Banda and Kei Islands.

Airports Serving AMBON

Pattimura - (AMQ)

Hotel prices in Ambon

Pangkalan Bun

Time zone in Pangkalan Bun is : GMT+07:00

Pangkalanbun is the capital of the West Kotawaringin regency, the province of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Some parts of the city lie along the Arut river. That\'s why the best way to tour around the city is not by land, but by water lines, using some traditional boat or klotok getek. Kuning Palace is the icon of the city. Visitors can also visit the Tanjung Puting National Park to witness Orang Utan in the wild house and explore the natural beauty. Pangkalanbun also has a natural beauty beach. Some of these natural beauty are Kubu Beach, Bogam Raya Beach, and Tanjung Keluang Beach.

Airports Serving PANGKALAN BUN

Iskandar - (PKN)

Hotel prices in Pangkalan Bun